Placed Amongst Strangers – the Tenth Biennial Report (2001–2003) of the Mental Health Act Commission


  • Mat Kinton



The Mental Health Act Commission’s Tenth Biennial Report was laid before Parliament and published in December 2003. The report covers two years’ activity – financial years 2001 to 2003 – monitoring the operation of the Mental Health Act 1983 as it relates to the detention and treatment of patients. In twenty chapters it deals with a range of issues pertinent to the care of mental health patients subject to compulsory treatment.

I will not attempt here to list systematically the points made by our report. Readers of this journal are likely already to have thumbed a copy of the report itself, or accessed it on the Commission website, and, if not, I hope that this article will encourage them to do so. Instead, I will seek to explain in more general terms the context and themes of the report, and what we would wish to see as its desired outcome.

Author Biography

Mat Kinton

Senior Policy Analyst, Mental Health Act Commission






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