

  • John Horne Northumbria University



As readers will be only too aware, the 3rd November 2008 will see the coming into effect of most of the amendments made by the Mental Health Act 2007 to the Mental Health Act 1983. It is also the date on which the Mental Health Review Tribunal becomes one of the new First-tier tribunals within the Health, Education and Social Care Chamber consequent to the provisions of the Tribunals, Courts and Enforcement Act 2007. With the publication of numerous regulations and lengthy Codes, the implementation of the Deprivation of Liberty (formerly a/k Bournewood) safeguards still scheduled to take effect in April 2009, and the Mental Capacity Act 2005 having not yet been in force for even a year, these are very demanding (and interesting) times for all those working in the field covered by mental health law.

There is so much to be considered and written about, but of course potential authors (particularly at this time) have many other pressing demands made of them, in addition to any requests editors of academic journals may make. Fortunately some have found the time to write for this issue of the JMHL.

Author Biography

John Horne, Northumbria University

Journal Editor






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